I’ve always liked the two truths and a lie game. I think it is a great ice breaker and I always learn something surprising about the people playing. Lately I’ve been thinking about this approach...
What improves surgical outcomes?
Once you decide you are ready for surgery (see my post on deciding to have surgery here), you want the best outcome possible. You need to have a good surgeon and a team that you trust. It is...
Probiotics for bladder infections
Probiotics are everywhere. They are marketed as containing good bacteria that keep you healthy. And while there good data supporting probiotic use for the gut, what about probiotics for preventing...
Journaling your symptoms
Most women know if they leak. But many don’t understand why they are leaking and what makes it worse. One simple way to figure this out is to journal your symptoms. I have almost all of my...
Where do I start?
Leaking urine can be overwhelming. Sometimes it happens suddenly, like after a delivery, and sometimes it happens slowly over time. I think there are stages that women go through- first denial...
Kegels without the work
By now, I am sure you know that pelvic floor strengthening (the simplest form of this is doing kegel exercises) helps bladder leaking. Lots of women have a hard time doing kegels and need some...