Do I need vaginal gear for my kegels?

Do I need vaginal gear for my kegels?

So maybe you've decided to do pelvic floor muscle exercises on your own because you aren't quite ready to see a physical therapist.  This decision feels good but you are a little uncertain about how...

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Behaviors that decrease bladder leakage

Behaviors that decrease bladder leakage

What can you do to improve your leaking? We all have habits.  Most of the time, we don’t really think about these habits.  I tend to drink water while working but I couldn’t tell you how many...

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Pessaries for bladder leakage

Pessaries for bladder leakage

Pessaries need to be rebranded.  They should be called something like “dry run enhancer” or “performance improver” or "underwear protector".  A name to show off their positive impact on dryness...

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Incontinence pads and underwear

Incontinence pads and underwear

Pads.  No one likes them but they are a necessary evil.  I work with a brilliant physical therapist who always says, “Pad up and play on.”  So while NOT leaking is the goal, sometimes you need pads...

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