The Knack

The Knack

The “knack” is known by lots of other names like the pelvic clutch, bracing, and “squeeze before you sneeze.”  The pelvic clutch may be the most descriptive.  I like the term “knack” because it...

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Alternative treatments for OAB

Alternative treatments for OAB

There are lots of treatments for overactive bladder but not all of the treatments appeal to everyone.  You might be looking for something that feels more holistic to you.  Or maybe you want to avoid...

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Are there medications for my bladder?

Are there medications for my bladder?

Sometimes behavioral changes and pelvic strengthening just aren’t enough to fix your leaking.  If this sounds like you, it is time to try other treatments.  For urgency urinary incontinence (AKA...

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What vitamins irritate the bladder?

What vitamins irritate the bladder?

Last week I talked about vitamin D and how it can improve bladder function. That led me to think about supplements and vitamins, how they are regulated and how they can impact your body. So, can...

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