Blog focused on all things bladder-related and how to leak less. Learn all about it and feel empowered and in control!

Good athletes can leak urine?

Good athletes can leak urine?

Lots of us think that leaking urine is only an older woman’s problem.  But that is simply not true.  There are some healthy women who regularly leak...

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Pessaries for bladder leakage

Pessaries for bladder leakage

Pessaries need to be rebranded.  They should be called something like “dry run enhancer” or “performance improver” or "underwear protector".  A name...

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When should I see a doctor?

When should I see a doctor?

  Many women treat their leakage without the help of a physician.  However, it is vital that you are plugged into good medical care.  I assume...

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Leaking and mental health

Leaking and mental health

Is leaking urine linked to mental health? Medically, leaking urine is a “quality-of-life” symptom and condition.  It isn’t cancer or heart disease. ...

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Incontinence pads and underwear

Incontinence pads and underwear

Pads.  No one likes them but they are a necessary evil.  I work with a brilliant physical therapist who always says, “Pad up and play on.”  So while...

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Ready to take back control over your bladder?

Take my Self-Diagnosis Quiz to find out why you are leaking and start making changes towards a more fulfilled life!