Blog focused on all things bladder-related and how to leak less. Learn all about it and feel empowered and in control!

Urinary tract imaging

Urinary tract imaging

The bladder is connected to the kidneys by the ureters.  The kidneys and bladder work closely together.  Bladder conditions can impact the kidneys...

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What’s a cystoscopy?

What’s a cystoscopy?

Any word that ends with “oscopy” means that we are looking at something.  A colonoscopy is looking in the colon.  A microscopy is looking at small...

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What is urodynamics?

What is urodynamics?

Why is it done? Urodynamics (also known as a UDS, CMG or cystometrogram) is a procedure done in a doctor’s office to evaluate the bladder.  This...

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Recurrent bladder infections

Recurrent bladder infections

Some women get lots of bladder infections.  Clinically, we call it “recurrent urinary tract infections” if you get 2 in 6 months or 3 in one year. ...

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Bladder infections

Bladder infections

Bladder infections (or UTI's) are common.  If you aren't sure what a bladder infection is, you can read about them here.  Most women get at least...

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