So you’ve had bladder leaking for a bit. Leaking has bothered you for a while, but you've been busy with other things. You feel like you have the time and space to address it now, so you made an...
What is irritating my bladder?
I frequently compare the bladder to a cranky toddler. Just like a tired toddler, there are triggers that can make your bladder melt down. We call these triggers bladder irritants- things that...
What are the treatment options for OAB?
Urgency incontinence is also known as overactive bladder (or OAB). OAB is a huge quality of life issue for lots of women. Going all the time, needing to rush to the toilet and sometimes not...
Behaviors that decrease bladder leakage
What can you do to improve your leaking? We all have habits. Most of the time, we don’t really think about these habits. I tend to drink water while working but I couldn’t tell you how many...
Changing your behaviors for good
How do you change your behavior and stick to it? Improving bladder leaking often requires changing some of your behaviors (see my post on lifestyle changes that improve bladder leakage.) I...