Who should you see for your bladder leaking Lots of women are confused about who to see for their bladder leaking. Should you talk to your PCP or your Gynecologist? Or do you need to see a...
Prescription Medications, Two Easy Ways to Get Yours Cheaper
Two ways to get cheaper prescription medications There are certain conversations that I have every day. Every day, I talk about the price of prescription medication. It is inevitable. This...
Are Doctors Following Guidelines To Treat Incontinence?
Are we following the guidelines? There are a lot of rules when you practice medicine. We want everything to be evidence-based. I want to be able to tell you exactly how well a surgery will work...
Urinary tract imaging
The bladder is connected to the kidneys by the ureters. The kidneys and bladder work closely together. Bladder conditions can impact the kidneys and vice versa. There are times when I need a...
What Happens in a Pessary Fitting Appointment?
What happens in a pessary fitting appointment? I spend every working day in my urogynecology world. It is all so routine for me- diagnostic testing, pelvic exams, history taking, sling surgeries. ...
What’s a cystoscopy?
Any word that ends with “oscopy” means that we are looking at something. A colonoscopy is looking in the colon. A microscopy is looking at small things. And words with “cysto” in them generally...