Is blood in my urine normal? Healthy urine is yellow. The color will change depending on how hydrated you are- clearer urine is more hydrated, and darker urine means that you are more dehydrated. ...
Too embarrassed about symptoms to see the doctor?
There are many reasons that women don’t go to the doctor. I frequently hear, “I was just too embarrassed about my symptoms to come earlier." While you might want to avoid the doctor's office, is...
Leaking After a Prolapse Repair
There’s nothing worse than fixing one problem and having that fix create a new problem. This can happen in all different areas of our lives- parenting, relationships, home repairs. It...
How do I know I am ready for incontinence surgery?
Are you thinking about surgery for bladder incontinence? Surgery for bladder leaking is common and women remain satisfied with the results about 80% of the time. But when does a physician think it...
Why aren’t you going to the doctor for your leaking?
While leaking is common, seeking care for leaking with your doctor is not. We know most women have bothersome leaking for more than 7 years before they seek medical help. So why aren’t you going...
3 ways a pandemic worsens your pelvic floor
Life is a little different... These are strange times. Everything is just a little different. I have continued to see patients in my urogynecology practice although now with a mask and a face...