Blog focused on all things bladder-related and how to leak less. Learn all about it and feel empowered and in control!
Confused, Not sure who to see for your bladder leaking?
Who should you see for your bladder leaking Lots of women are confused about who to see for their bladder leaking. Should you talk to your PCP or...
Pelvic Floor Strengthening: What you need to know to get started now
Pelvic Floor Strengthening and what you need to know to get started. If you have bladder leaking and have started looking for a cure, you’ve...
Are Doctors Following Guidelines To Treat Incontinence?
Are we following the guidelines? There are a lot of rules when you practice medicine. We want everything to be evidence-based. I want to be able...
Sorry, But LASERS Do Not Fix Bladder Leaking
LASERS don’t fix bladder leaking Vaginal lasering gets a lot of hype. Google it, and you’ll see terms like “vaginal rejuvenation” and...
5 Things I Would Definitely Never Do As A Urogynecologist
Here are five things I would never do as a urogynecologist. There’s a trend right now on TicTok of medical professionals listing the five...
Would Your Life Benefit from Vaginal Estrogen?
Who needs vaginal estrogen? It is interesting what we are taught about our bodies. We learn about getting our first period. We talk about...
So, Is Blood in My Urine Really Normal? Bladder Concerns
Is blood in my urine normal? Healthy urine is yellow. The color will change depending on how hydrated you are- clearer urine is more hydrated, and...
Do Pelvic Floor Trainer Devices (or Peri-Trainers) Really Work?
Do pelvic floor trainer devices work? Improving pelvic floor strength is usually the first thing we recommend with any bladder leaking. ...
What Happens in a Pessary Fitting Appointment?
What happens in a pessary fitting appointment? I spend every working day in my urogynecology world. It is all so routine for me- diagnostic...

Ready to take back control over your bladder?
Take my Self-Diagnosis Quiz to find out why you are leaking and start making changes towards a more fulfilled life!