Recovery after a bladder sling surgery

Recovery after a bladder sling surgery

Maybe you are interested in surgery for your leaking. You’ve decided you are ready (if you aren’t, check out my post on things to consider while getting ready). But as you make the decision to move forward, you want to know what to expect after surgery....
Hoping a midurethral sling will fix your bladder?

Hoping a midurethral sling will fix your bladder?

If you have tried everything to help your leaking and still aren’t as dry as you want to be, you may be considering surgery. There are different types of surgeries for bladder leaking. A midurethral sling is the most commonly performed in the United States . In...
Healing the painful postpartum perineum

Healing the painful postpartum perineum

As a urogynecologist, I mostly see women with bladder leaking and pelvic organ prolapse.  But did you know that I also see women who have recently delivered a baby? The pelvic floor goes through amazing changes during pregnancy and delivery. During a vaginal delivery,...