Getting the right info for medical decisions

Getting the right info for medical decisions

How do you make the right medical decision for you?  How do you decide what to do next? Googling I think most of us start with a little google search.  When looking at medical information on-line, this isn’t always helpful.  There are sites with great, objective...
Leaking in your short shorts

Leaking in your short shorts

While we all want to be leak free, it takes a while to get there.  Strengthening your pelvic floor muscles, losing weight, or even having surgery all take time.  Managing your leaking while you are making these important changes is key. Winter clothing makes it easier...
Do I need to know the right medical words?

Do I need to know the right medical words?

Last week, I met a new patient in my office.  She was super-worried about using the correct terminology to describe her symptoms and this had kept her from coming in sooner.  And while she was a little embarrassed, she then told me that she had “pain in her...