Where do I start?

Written by Sarah Boyles

On September 18, 2021
Leaking urine can be overwhelming.  Sometimes it happens suddenly, like after a delivery, and sometimes it happens slowly over time.  I think there are stages that women go through- first denial (This isn’t really happening!), then coping (Fine, I’ll buy some pads), and then addressing (OK, it is time for me to figure out how to manage this!).  So when you are ready to address your leaking, where do you start?  Here are some questions to ask yourself before you move forward.

What are you ready for?

Take some time and think about what you want.  Ask yourself:

  • Am I ready to discuss my symptoms with an expert?
  • Do I want to try to manage this on my own?
  • How much time do I have to focus on this issue?

Knowing the answer to these questions will set you up for success.  It will keep you from going to physical therapy if you don’t have the time.  Or seeing a provider if you really want a DIY solution. Be honest with yourself.  Everyone’s path is a little different.

Are you up-to-date with routine health screening?

Lots of women manage their leaking on their own.  But before you make this choice, be sure you are up-to-date on your routine health care.  While leaking is common and usually benign, certain medical issues can cause leaking.  You want to make sure that you have had:

  • A pelvic exam
  • A recent pap smear
  • A urinalysis

If you have any unusual symptoms on top of your leaking, you want to see a physician.  This would include symptoms like numbness or tingling, visual changes, signs of infection, bloating, or feeling like your belly is getting bigger. You may not be sure about when to see a doctor and can read more about it here.

Do you know your symptoms?

Take the time to journal your symptoms.  It will help you figure out why you are leaking.  See if you can figure out:

  • What makes you leak.
  • What makes it better.
  • What makes it worse.

Do you know your diagnosis?

You have to know your diagnosis to know what will make your leaking better.  If you still aren’t sure why you leaking, there are quizzes you can take.  Check out mine here.  You can also read more about the different types of leaking here.

Knowing the answer to these questions will set you up for success.  And your answers may change over time as you try different strategies.  Best of luck to you!



Ready to take back control over your bladder?

Take my Self-Diagnosis Quiz to find out why you are leaking and start making changes towards a more fulfilled life!

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