My Course “Bladder 101” – 3 Things I Learned From Women Participants

Written by Sarah Boyles

On June 13, 2022

Earlier this year, I launched my course, “Bladder 101.”

Bladder 101 was a three-week course that focused on teaching

  1.  how the bladder works
  2.  why you are leaking
  3.  what you can do about your bladder leaking.

I had a great time creating this course and running it. I am really proud of this work. But, as is always the case, I learned a lot from the women who took the course.


Here are the three things these women taught me.


Gaps in bladder treatment knowledge

These women are smart and have done their research. And they knew a lot about the bladder and different treatments. But because they were self-taught, they had gaps in their knowledge. They had never thought about their other medical conditions and how they might impact their bladder function. Or about their habits or medications and how they affect their bladder function. They weren’t sure how to assess their symptoms and their improvement. Learning a systematic approach to assessing their risk factors and symptoms made getting started so much easier for them.

Bombarded by advertisements for bladder products

We get hit by so many ads in a day. And they are getting sneakier all the time. It is almost impossible to differentiate between a normal post and paid advertising on social media. Not to mention affiliate links. And all of those ads are smart.

It seems like you get targeted the minute you start thinking about something. All of this advertising adds to the gaps in knowledge. We know a lot about products that you can buy and companies with advertising budgets. It means that you don’t learn about the little behavioral changes you can make that help your bladder. The number of ads does not reflect how well that product will work for you. It may not even work for your type of leaking. You are learning how to sort through all the different products out there. This allowed for more intelligent purchases for the women who took my course.

Not sure where to start

These women had lots of information. But their gaps in knowledge, coupled with all the product advertising, left them feeling confused. They weren’t sure where to start. Bladder leaking is a quality of life issue. How to treat it often depends on what you want to do. There is not just one solution that works for everyone. Taking the time to identify their treatment goals helped these women find a solution that worked.

It is easy to find information on bladder leaking. It is a lot harder to sort through the information and organize it. That is why I created “Bladder 101”- to help you find a treatment solution that works for you.

Ready to take back control over your bladder?

Take my Self-Diagnosis Quiz to find out why you are leaking and start making changes towards a more fulfilled life!

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