This series is a monthly discussion (called STOP BLADDER LEAKS!) held as an Instagram live.  Jeanice Mitchell (@myPFM) and I have created a series of talks designed to help you minimize leakage.  The series is informative but informal.  We're happy to answer questions.  Come join the fun!


This series is a monthly discussion (called STOP BLADDER LEAKS!) held as an Instagram live.  Jeanice Mitchell (@myPFM) and I have created a series of talks designed to help you minimize leakage.  The series is informative but informal.  We're happy to answer questions.  Come join the fun!

Hormone Therapy- The Who, Why, When and How

I am doing an on-line lecture for my PFM on hormone replacement for pelvic floor issues like genitourinary syndrome of menopause.  So many women have questions on this topic!  Join us- you can sign up here:

STOP BLADDER LEAKS -constipation

This series is a monthly discussion (called STOP BLADDER LEAKS!) held as an Instagram live.  Jeanice Mitchell (@myPFM) and I have created a series of talks designed to help you minimize leakage.  The series is informative but informal.  We're happy to answer questions.  Come join the fun!

STOP BLADDER LEAKS -overactive pelvic floor muscles

This series is a monthly discussion (called STOP BLADDER LEAKS!) held as an Instagram live.  Jeanice Mitchell (@myPFM) and I have created a series of talks designed to help you minimize leakage.  The series is informative but informal.  We're happy to answer questions.  Come join the fun!