Masterclass for Women
How to find the RIGHT WAY to strengthen your pelvic floor
What products, providers, and coaches can strengthen your pelvic floor and eliminate your bothersome bladder symptoms
In this masterclass, you will learn:
What is out there
You’ll learn about the types of products that are out there and how they differ
How to create your personal treatment blueprint
You need to define what is important to you (the key to success!)
How to use your personal treatment blueprint to pick a product, provider, or coach
You MUST know this to pick the solution that will best support you through your treatment journey
Treatments for bladder leaking are changing….
There are more solutions available WITHOUT seeing a provider. And most women want to try to improve their leakage on their own, without having to talk about it.
But picking the right solution is confusing and overwhelming because there are SO MANY different options out there and so many snazzy advertisements that seem too good to be true!
Lots of the treatments focus on strengthening your pelvic floor.
Join me to get fully updated on what is out there and how to evaluate and choose something that will work for you!
This Masterclass is a MUST VIEW if…
You’ve been looking at pelvic floor strengtheners and just aren’t sure where to start
You’ve tried doing kegels on your own and need some support
Your leaking is driving you batty and you want to try
something on your own to make it better.
Join Me
I’ve been helping women with their bladder leaking since I became a doctor.
I know that more than 1/3 of all women leak. And I know that most women deal with it for years before they are ready to talk about it with their provider.
This masterclass is ALL about pelvic floor strengthening and all the different ways to do it.
Get the information you need (at home) and get to work on improving your bladder leaking!